Traditional folk/come reggae music singer Papason aka Harison Kabasho has had to make music his second priority, turning to stone crushing as his main business. Papason lives in Zimta community of Mutare and crushes stones for sale to home builders in Zimta (Kwabhuru). Papason has also recorded a song on stone crushing. The song titled The Rock has enjoyed massive downloads on the social media platforms, particularly Whatsapp.
Papason says the music industry is not well paying such that he can make a living off it. Now and then he performs at paid up concerts around the city but the income does not stretch far enough to sustain him.
Turning to local music promoters Papason said although they were now including local artist on their music calendars, there was need to revise the amount of money they charge to perform at their show. Local music artist receive a paltry figure of around $10 to $25 per show.
Papason says he derives his inspiration from day to day situation that he come from in his music composition. Three years ago he had a hit song 'hupfambi' which he wrote after a couple was found love making in the Nyakamiti mountain near GMB. Papason was on that day crushing stones in the same mountain and he witnessed the encounter and quickly came up with a song.
Papason who records with Optisonic Studios says if he gets good sponsorship he would like to acquire his own set of music instruments and form a band.
Papason aka Harison Kabasho music artist crushing stone for a living |